Global Presence
Our online presence gives an added advantage to Northway University that other conventional universities don’t have the advantage of being present everywhere around the globe. Students enrolling from all corners of the world signify that we have made our presence felt everywhere. Our local and regional student counselors are present to understand the needs of every area in each continent, and this helps us to improve our online education system. These student counselors have had a numbers of years of experience in interacting with students around the globe, so rest assured, they know what your needs are before you even mention it to them.
When you enroll at Northway, you join a global learning community and become a part of a wide network that is currently educating students in various continents. A local representative can be reached just by filling in our contact form, and they will get back to you shortly

Visiting & Permanent Faculty
We have a large number of visiting faculties which brings in industry experience at Northway University and is also part of other esteemed universities. The reason for hiring visiting faculty is to keep our system updated and learn from these professors about how education is carried forward in other education institutions as well. Our faculty help us in planning course content, course structure, writing up recommendations for students and professionals, carry out workshops and training programs.
Northway University’s permanent faculty members are the backbone of our university because they are fully dedicated towards the Northway mission of providing dedicated services to students and professionals. We recognize that a competent faculty will reap the benefits of online education more than expected.